Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community

Arbor Team

Decades of activism have led to significant progress in cultural acceptance and legal rights and protections for the LGBTQ+ community. According to research from Gallup, 71% of Americans support legal same-sex marriage, as opposed to only 27% in 1996. In addition, 93% of Americans believe LGBTQ+ individuals should have equal job opportunities, a significant increase from 56% in 1977. For more trends in LGBTQ+ Rights and Public Opinion, check out this resource from Gallup.

Despite these shifts, discriminatory attitudes and harmful action continue to persist. This year alone, more than 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been signed into law, leading the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) to declare their first-ever ‘state of emergency’ for LGBTQ+ Americans.

Clearly, the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over and it’s important to take action. Below are some actionable steps organizations can take to support and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community:

  1. Educate and Raise Awareness: Organize educational sessions or workshops to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ history, rights, and issues. Encourage employees to participate and learn about diverse experiences within the community to foster greater empathy and understanding.
  2. Create a Safe and Inclusive Environment: Review your policies and practices to ensure they are inclusive and supportive of LGBTQ+ employees. For example, avoid using gendered language that excludes non-binary individuals. In addition, organizations should implement clear non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies that explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity.
  3. Celebrate Diversity: Organize internal events or activities that celebrate Pride Month. Consider hosting LGBTQ+ guest speakers, panel discussions, film screenings, or art exhibitions. Encourage employees to share their personal experiences and stories to promote understanding and solidarity.
  4. Show Visible Support: Display LGBTQ+ Pride flags, symbols, or posters in common areas to visibly show support for the community. This helps create a welcoming environment and signal to employees that their identities are respected and valued.
  5. Engage in Community Involvement: Participate in local Pride parades or sponsor LGBTQ+ community events. This is a great way to enhance group cohesion and demonstrate your organization's commitment to supporting the LGBTQ+ community both within and beyond the workplace.
  6. Provide Resources and Support: Offer resources such as LGBTQ+ employee support groups, counseling services, or access to LGBTQ+ friendly healthcare providers. Providing resources is a practical way to empower and support the well-being of LGBTQ+ employees. Leaders may also consider sharing resources such as this Guidebook for Action from the Human Rights Campaign that provides valuable information and support for both LGBTQ+ people and allies.
  7. Amplify LGBTQ+ Voices: Provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ employees to share their perspectives, ideas, and successes. Encourage them to lead initiatives or join employee resource groups dedicated to LGBTQ+ inclusion to ensure their voices are heard and prioritized. It’s important to note, however, that employees should never be forced into these roles, as these tasks can be heavy in emotional labor and may feel like a burden to some.
  8. Review Supplier Diversity: Examine your organization's supplier diversity program to ensure that it includes LGBTQ+-owned businesses. Supporting LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and businesses can have a positive economic impact and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.
  9. Philanthropic Support: Consider supporting LGBTQ+ organizations or charities through donations or volunteer work. The Trevor Project, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, GLSEN, and the Marsha P. Johnson Institute are just a few of the many organizations out there working to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ communities.
  10. Continuous Commitment: Celebrating Pride Month is a great way to show support and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. It's crucial, however, that this support is not limited to the month of June. To be an effective ally, organizations must commit to taking action year-round to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality in the workplace and beyond.

Together, these steps can help create an inclusive culture in which LGBTQ+ members feel empowered and supported to be their true and authentic selves. While Pride Month is a great time to prioritize these actions, remember that the LGBTQ+ community deserves this same celebration, respect, and advocacy all year-long.

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